Monday 28 October 2013

Midnight Mosaic

Fuck I love Jersey....well, I guess I don't know if I love Jersey, I've never been, so let me rephrase.... Fuck I love the music coming out of New Jersey!  The Parlor Mob, Killed the Fixtion, Blisstique, The Community and now Midnight Mosaic!  Each of these bands have their own style and sound so I can't even say there is a Jersey sound but what I can say is there's been a fuck of a lot of talent coming out New Jersey in recent years.

Midnight Mosaic have put a their spin on the modern rock sound, infusing it with a funk and a soul that just makes you want to get up and move.  My Fair Lady is the perfect example of their modern rock groove. Fuck I love this song...


Do you happen to be old enough to remember the slow romantic soul of the past.  Well, I don't know if Midnight Mosaic is old enough (it's impolite to ask one's age) but then again who the fuck hasn't heard Barry White, Marvin Gaye and Lionel Ritchie?  I fucking love that Midnight Mosaic took this sound and reinvented with sense of humor.  Sex Soldier just might become my new favorite song. you gotta check it out.....


Okay boys..... I'm in and ready to start my own personal army.......... ; )

You can find Midnight Mosaic at their website at, on facebook at, on twitter at and on youtube at

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