Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Journey (PSA for "Honor the Treaties")

Neil Young is making international news these days with his stand against the development of the Alberta Tar Sands.  He's performing a few concerts to raise awareness of what he believes to be an atrocity against the First Nations Treaty and the global environment.  And he's not the only one...many musicians are getting on board and releasing their own awareness raising projects.  My friend Matt Groopie and his band the King Beez included.

They've recently released a video, packed with details of exactly what the oilsands are doing to the environment and they've set it to their instrumental The Journey.  It's poignant, it's classy, it' it is....


Whatever side of the fence you're on when it comes to this oilsands development, I don't think there is any argument that we need to find a better, cleaner way....whether it's developing and investing in other forms of renewable energy or developing and investing in new ways to extract the oil from the oilsands.  

This is just one example of where art gets political.  I'm not sure how you feel but I for one prefer to see the artists I admire getting involved in talking about the issues facing our communities instead of reading how some young pop star is in trouble with the law for fucking egging his neighbour's house........... ; )

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